Monday, 8 June 2015

Default Dimension Information

To find the setting of a known attribute, feed the following (In this case, the inventJournalTrans table).

// _journalId = unique journal Id
// _attrToFind = the name of the attribute you are looking for

    InventJournalTrans                            inventJournalTrans;
    DimensionAttributeValueSet          dimAttrValueSet;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  dimAttrValueSetItem;
    DimensionAttributeValue                dimAttrValue;
    DimensionAttribute                           dimAttr;
    DimensionFinancialTag                   dimFinTag;
    str 60 attrToFind;
    str 10 journalid;
    str 30 findValue;

    select inventJournalTrans        
           where inventJournalTrans.JournalId == _journalId        
           join dimAttrValueSet where     InventJournalTrans.defaultDimension == dimAttrValueSet.recId        
           join dimAttrValueSetItem where dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet == dimAttrValueSet.RecId        
           join dimAttrValue where        dimAttrValue.RecId == dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue        
           join dimAttr where             dimAttr.RecId == dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute 
                        &&                dimAttr.Name == _attrToFind;

And to get the description of the attribute;

    _findValue = dimAttrValue.getValue();
    select firstOnly dimFinTag where dimFinTag.Value == _findValue;

Monday, 1 June 2015

Temporary Tables And Forms

Getting a form to display data in a temporary table can be difficult, so I have made a step-by-step method which has worked for me.

1. Create the temporary table

2. Create a form

3. Attach the temporary table as a dataSource of the form

4. Create a form method to populate the temporary table from normal datasources. This will be created in the upper Methods tree of the form. You can call it anything, but I am making the effort to call it populate() for consistency.

5. Override the init method of the form and add the following line after the super() call.

If the temporary table is of the type TempDB then the line should read;


If the temporary table is of the type InMemory then the line should read;

Where <tempTableName> is the name of the temporary table.

On purpose I have made this as simple as I can, if you need the technical stuff, then I have copied the following from HariKiran Varre ;

In Ax 2012 we have 3 different types of tables. one type of temporary table is a TempDB table. We call them TempDB tables because their TableType property value is TempDB. This value comes from the TableType::TempDB enum value. The TableType property value can be set at AOT > Data Dictionary > Tables >MyTempDBTable > Properties > TableType.
  • Regular - a standard
  •      physical table
  • InMemory - the type
  •      of temporary table which existed in the previous versions of Dynamics Ax.
  •      Such tables are held in memory and written to a local disk file once they
  •      grow beyond a certain point
  • TempDB - a new
  •      option in Ax 2012. They are "physical" temporary tables held in
  •      the SQL Server database.
The new TempDB tables operate in a similar manner to InMemory tables but support more features of standard physical tables:
  • More powerful
  •      joins with physical tables are possible, and are properly supported by the
  •      database
  • Can be
  •      per-company or global
  • Support for
  •      normal tts transactions
To create a new instance link (populating data/copying reference) from one table instance
variable to the other with Temporary type tables:

For more details on TempDB capabilities, Limitations, How to use, Its lifetime, please check here -